The Premier Sugar Mills and Distillary
  • Company Registration No: 0000068 NTN No.: 1157773-8

Investor Information

Transmission of Audited Financials Statements Through E-mail Form

The consent form for circulation of annual audited financial statements through e-mail can be downloaded by using the following link:

Share Transfer Deed Form

The share transfer deed form for transferring of shares can be downloaded by using the following link:

Dividend Mandate Form

The above form can be downloaded by using the following link:

Standard Request Form (SRF) for provision of hard copy of Annual Report

The above form can be downloaded by using the following link:

Compliance Certificate under SRO 634(I)/2014

The Compliance Certificate under SRO No. 634 (I)/2014 dated 10th July, 2014 can be viewed/downloaded by using the following link:


The Compliance Certificate can be viewed/downloaded by using the following link:

Proxy Form

Proxy Form can be viewed/downloaded by using the following link:

Investor Information

The following have been placed on website of the Company along with their relevant link:

  1. Annual reports for the current financial year as well as the previous two years. Visit Link for details
  2. Financial Highlights for previous five years. Visit Link for details
  3. Interim accounts i.e. latest available accounts as well as for the last three quarters. Visit Link for details

For any type of complain / query the shareholders of the company can use the following link or sending mails directly to the following official:
اردو میں پڑھنے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں

  • Company Secretary
  • Premier Group of Companies
  • Phone # 051-2650805-7
  • Mobile # 03335101384
  • Online Complain Form
The Premier Sugar Mills and Distillary